Wednesday, November 25, 2009

For Simple Light

Sometimes like today,
I want to weep for the gladness
in the day.
For the simple light
and things like the October ducks
running the waters surface
like scattered leaves
creating a liquid chime.

And for the words netted
and woven together to say so,
tipsy with their affect on my spirit.
For friends old, new and gone
who support my wild ideas
or challenge me with their own,
those missing and not loved
nearly long enough...but leave me
inspired for all time.

Glad for this body
that skates, runs, hoops, paddles
with ease...
floats, bends and dances with courage!
For a dog who is pure joy, everyday
in her love of life and the next smell.
(except the day the scary drum
not only got bigger it also had hair.)

To be surrounded daily
by happy dancing brightly colored
stick women who help me
celebrate the simple, the faceless,
the everything.

Glad for a harnessed and leashed cat
walking faithfully
beside her beloved dog
trying to keep up on little feline legs.
(allowing me to even drag her at times)

For movies and dance shows
that make me cry and "believe."
For poetry that never ceases to amaze
and a canoe shaped moon
floating on hypnotic rippled water,
for drums who wait patiently
to be played....

Grateful for a day like today
to dance in delight
for the wonder of simple light
and weepy gladness!

Pam Piper Rain