maybe even all of us, have secret unlived lives
that we wonder about
those impossible, imaginary
big "what ifs?"
This became clear to me last week
when my dimpled smiling, friend,
Mary told me
she dreamed of owning a flower shop
and how she wanted to deliver
all the flowers herself.
(she'd be perfect for this)
Surprised not to know this about her...
and my other, serenely strong, friend Janet
would like to be a sushi chef,
and it may be true that I would like to be a dancer
(and after last nights sing along ...a singer?)
Even tho we are all artists and supposedly living
out our dream lives we have other
ideas in our secret pockets
the ones we occasionally pull out and
wonder "what if?"
Pretty soon we had a long list
of things we always wanted to do,
Those often resigned and reserved for
"next time around."
So what if we had
a chance to try these
adventures for a day, a week
possibly brave enough to even
take on that secret life altogether?
Soon I will have new ring from
Jewelry for the Soul that will read
passion, play, purpose, poetry
(all my favorite P words)
to remind me how I want to live.
In contemplating the
"what ifs"
a new idea struck me
what if there was a group of women
invited to support one another
in creating and nurturing
these Wild What ifs?
YES, a Wild Women circle
where we tie our messages
in trees,
fly paper airplanes with written wishes
and have red wagon races,
dress funny and playful in public
and can be seen dancing in the street
or drumming under the full moon
with pinwheels in our hair...
how might our lives change,
what wild dreams
might we discover we didn't know we had?
And who would like to join me?
Of course, my first call will be
to Jodi Creager, my witch hat wearing,
bib painting, tee pee sitting,
Wild Women sister of Havasu!
Jodi, What are you doing in January?
Pam Piper Rain