In the rain, under a poetic pillar of pines and the
darkening sky of Wheeler Park, I sketched four new
Wild Women designs...I was a on a roll, not to be
stopped...was this inspired by the real life Wild Women
I met? May be? Women who were either trapped with me
in a dripping tent, while the daily storm passed, or long
time lovers of Flagstaff, up to beat the heat of the valley,
or friendly locals out to support the Art Festival, familiar
and new faces!
It seemed, some "gift" was slipped quietly to me,
in words, in a tale of loss...told with a tearful
glance, an idea that became a passion of purpose that
gave me chills, spontaneous hugs from strangers and
like me, an older than average athlete, making the
"impossible" possible!
Not to mention the friends, brand new and long term,
that I had the pleasure to laugh heartily with in the "hobo"
camping lot, exchanging ideas (gripes and wine or "whine")
about the nature of creativity and selling it! There
was stuffed dog toy, that looked to have been not only run
over by an oil truck but pulled apart and mangled by "love?"
Someone stated this was the state of artists in this economy.
Not so... I say! For my "fur" gleamed gold, my button eyes,
bright (and not missing) SO rich were the meetings and playful
minds of strangers/friends who had something to tell
this week end!
When I noticed a women wearing an Outrigger Rig Run
(my favorite race) t shirt in my booth, friday...I could
barely speak... I know... who cares, right? I do, especially
when I am this far from the ocean, such an uncommon sight!
A paddler from Oceanside, who had all but taken the season
in firsts in Golden Senior Masters. We shared "paddle stories"
in a park in the middle of Arizona and were instant friends
and the ocean was never more present. Thanks Ruthe!
As young girls in grade school and Jr. High...remember how
painful the whole scenario of "being (or not being) best
friends" could be to our fragile hearts? Yuck! Who would
want to go back to that time? I would, if I knew Krista!
The creator and founder of bestfriendsclub.com! She facilitates
groups and activities, teaching young woman how to make
lasting friendships with each other and how to be kind.
The excited passion in her eyes as she spoke of it...moved me.
We knew with certainty there would be a collaboration between
her work and mine. Yaaay... the younger version of Wild Women!
So what is an alter ego? Ever thought of having one?
Or do we all have one and just don't dare tell anyone?
Hmmm? After meeting Dawn aka Daphne, whose friends
didn't want to go away on a "girls trip",so
she went "anyway." Enjoying herself and her time alone!
I applaud that and took time to ponder
the idea of an alter ego...more on that later. Ha! But good
for you Dawn, or is it Daphne? Thanks for the reminder
to be as different as we can be!
There was Julie / Madrone, (which I just love,
a name inspired by the red bark tree of the waters,
she said) she told me of the "women's way" gatherings
of Longdance and the Red Lodge, something I am inspired
to check out! Such treasures of information I am collecting!
We are at" that age", everyone keeps telling me!
The age of...what shall we call it...the reconciliation of
loss...mortality...? In a brief meeting, Meg, told me of losing
her mother and the overwhelming responsibility of settling
the estate in the middle of the emotional wreckage and
what keeps her centered is..."what would mom want?"
She said, she trusts in the "uninvited guests" to guide
her and welcomes them. I thought her
sense of peace was breathtaking!
And last, but not least, dear Laura, who supports me
without fail, dragging many a friend to meet me (whether
they want to or not), even in the middle of a monsoon
downpour (but we had fun chatting away under the roar
of the thunder, huh?) I know you say, I inspire you,
but truly, your gentle spirit and silent wisdom
inspires me to continue to have faith in what I
attempt to do..sometimes blindly! Thank you for your
support and as always good to see you!
With the inclusion of Liz, whose artwork is stunningly
"wild" and her smile huge (was that champagne bubbles
coming out of your ears?) Carla, who makes me want to
blog, blog, blog, (great info) and funny goofy Megan,
who needs to be a stand up comic, (you'd give Ellen a run
for her money, girlfriend!) KimmBerly whose familar face of
twelve years, looks very happy! And Carolyn whose
consistent ongoing friendship makes me want to weep
impulsively in public! (great... thanks)
So these are my Wild Women teachers for
Independence day 2009.
This week end left me wondering... is Flagstaff
where I should be? All these amazing women?
We will see.....
Pam aka Piper Rain